How we will Install UnrealIRCd on a CentOS 7

UnrealIRC is that the hottest IRC server. Be sure to create and run the IRCd as a daily user and not as root. If you're on a VPS / root shell then produce a user 'unrealircd' or similar (sudo adduser unrealircd) and do all steps below as that user (login as user 'unrealircd').

- Login to SSH as root and switch to user for putting in the UnrealIRC

# adduser 'user'

- Switch to user and residential directory

# su 'user'
# cd ~

- transfer and extract the client's supply code:

# wget
# tar zxf unrealircd-4.0.1.tar.gz
# cd unrealircd-4.0.1
- begin Config
run the ./Config script which is able to raise variety of queries. you'll be able to simply press Enter to just accept the default answers.
# ./Config
Now, compile UnrealIRCd by running create, this could take a moment (or two):
# make
Finally, run create install (important!):
# create install
- Configuration:

# cp ~/unrealircd/conf/examples/example.conf ~/unrealircd/conf/unrealircd.conf
# nano ~/unrealircd/conf/unrealircd.conf

Walk through the unrealircd.conf block by block / line by line and edit the settings to fit your wants. This takes ten - twenty minutes.

- check Configuration:

# cd ~/unrealircd
# ./unrealircd begin

  • UnrealIRCd
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