How to Check and Fix cPanel License Error

If you're using a cPanel/WHM put in server, you will face associate degree 'Invalid cPanel license' error typically thanks to problems with the cPanel license presently in use on the server. The licensing is completed for the server informatics address. The error will occur thanks to completely different reasons.

How to Check and Fix cPanel License Error

The existing license terminated. you'll check if the license is active or not for your server informatics via the official cPanel web site itself. you'll paste the server informatics and check if the license is active or not.

The main informatics of the server got modified. you wish to see to it and verify if the most informatics of the server is that the same that is already authorized .

The license might not be rested. you'll run a command from the server to try and do the license check and refresh if it's active.

Once you've got verified if the license is active, do the subsequent steps:

  1. Login to the server via terminal as root.

  2. Run the following command:# /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt
  3. If the license is already active, you will get the following result:Updating cPanel license...Done. Update succeeded.
    Building global cache for cpanel...Done
  4. If it is not active, you will get an error with the details. You need to check it with the hosting support if you are already licensed and still getting the error. 
  • cpanel license check
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