How to install BBRPLUS on VPS running CentOS 7

First of all, you have got a terminal to attach to your server with SSH.

From a Linux computer or a raincoat, you'll be able to directly connect with your server with login credentials you have got received from U.S. via SSH with a terminal.

On a computer with Windows OS, you'll be able to transfer putty to proceed.

On android mobile devices,you will have Termius put in to attach to your server. Please transfer it from app stores.

Installation of BBRPLUS

1. Log in your VPS

$ ssh root@IPv4 address

2. Install BBRPLUS on your server

  • KVM VPS (CentOS 7):one key script

$ wget "" && chmod +x && ./ 

  • XEN VPS:installation and configuration step by step

The one-key-script above does not work on XEN VPS we provide, because the lighter XEN VPS (PV type) does not allow the configuration of grub2 on CentOS 7.

We recommend you to use the step-by-step guide below to complete the installation of a Linux kernel that has BBRPLUS enabled.

Step 1. download kernel 4.14.129-bbrplus

$ wget "; 

$ chmod +x

Step 2:edit script you have just downloaded: Please remove everything after the following two lines in the script, then run the script.

$ echo -e "安装内核..."

$ yum install -y kernel-${kernel_version}.rpm

You may consider keeping the line below because you can clean up the source file of the kernel when everything is completed.

$ rm -f kernel-${kernel_version}.rpm

Then, run the script.

$ ./

Step 3: edit /etc/grub.conf,comment everything related to the old kernel, and enable BBRPLUS

i) Below is how /etc/grub.confshould look like after editing: 



title CentOS Linux (4.14.129-bbrplus) 7 (Core)

root (hd0,0)

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-4.14.129-bbrplus console=hvc0 xencons=tty0 root=/dev/xvda1 ro LANG=en_US.UTF-8

initrd /boot/initramfs-4.14.129-bbrplus.img

#title CentOS Linux (3.10.0-514.16.1.el7.x86_64) 7 (Core)

# root (hd0,0)

# kernel /boot/vmlinuz-3.10.0-514.16.1.el7.x86_64 console=hvc0 xencons=tty0 root=/dev/xvda1 ro

# initrd /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-514.16.1.el7.x86_64.img

ii) enable BBRPLUS:

$ echo "net.core.default_qdisc=fq" >> /etc/sysctl.conf 

$ echo "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbrplus" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Step 4: reboot the system, and check if you have successfully completed the installation of the new kernel, and enabled the BBRPLUS.

$ uname -r 

If you see “4.14.129-bbrplus”, the right kernel has been installed successfully

$ lsmod | grep bbr 

if you see “tcp_bbrplus”, then BBRPLUS has been enabled successfully

Both the two methods described above have been tested on our KVM/XEN VPS/CentOS7. If you encounter any problem, please contact us on WeChat: HostSailorContct

  • centos bbr
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