Windows hosting and Linux Hosting Packages operate on different operating systems. Although having the same price, they differ in the followings:
- Programming Language: Linux supports PHP, Perl and cgi script; Windows supports PHP, Perl, cgi script, ASP and ASP.NET.
- Database: Linux supports MySQL database while Windows supports Microsoft SQL, MySQL database and Microsoft Access database.
- Web Control Panel: Linux hosting plan operates on CPanel while Windows operates on HELM Control Panel. For a demo version of control panel, please visit:
HELM (Windows):
CPanel (Linux):
DotNetPanel (Windows):
You may first review your programming language and database requirement: "Do your site need ASP.NET?" or "Do your site need other type of Database than MySQL?". If you site happened to be a static site or the programming/database require do not occur to you, you may then try out the demo version of the different control panels and compare which one of them suits you more.