Why Choose RevenueServer Service?

We are a leading award-winning Fastflux hosting provider. Since our inception, we have focused on providing reliable, premium, and lightning-fast hosting services to our customers around the world.

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Best Quality Hardware

We are using well known SuperMicro or DELL/Hp servers with Enterprise hardware in it. having also AMD and Xeon Gold Processor.

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24/7 Technical Support

Building a great website is hard work. You may have questions along the way. Want to learn how to use the control panel? Our support staff is available 24/7.

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100% Uptime Guarantee

We guarantee online 100%, If we fail to deliver service for any calendar month minimum 1 hour, you will be refunded as per minutes basis.

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Anytime, Anywhere, Online

RevenueServer' infrastructure is reliable and redundant, allowing hosting companies to offer the highest level of hosting services to their customers.

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Accpet Crypto and PayPal

Cryptocurrencies, and PayPal are accepted by us. We also accept credit cards, bank transfers, Payeer, PerfectMoney, and Webmoney.

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Fast and Reliable Network

We offers IP traffic at a rate of 1 Tbit/s. Exceptional availability across multiple convenient data center locations.

Security Suite

What is the TTL of fast flux DNS?

TTL is a setting in the DNS that determines how long a resolver is supposed to keep a particular DNS record in its cache. In Fast Flux Networks, the TTL is often set to just a few minutes, forcing resolvers to constantly look up for fresh DNS records, thus making source detection and countermeasures significantly more difficult.

Fast Flux VPS Hosting Features

We are always with you with 24/7 Support services. All you have to do is enjoy the quality digital experience.

Free Backups

If you need it, you can request automated daily backups for your Fast Flux VPS server. These backups include full server snapshots and can be easily restored with just one click. We online 24/7 always.

Scalable DDR5 RAM

Are you experiencing rapid growth? Take 1GB of RAM and conveniently increase it as needed, through your VPS control panel. Simply inform us when you require additional capacity, and we will assist you effortlessly.

VPS Full Root Access

Having full root access means having complete authority over your servers. You can customize your VPS any time. Our native /64 IPv6 block infrastructure ensures that networking issues are kept to a minimum.

Enhanced Performance

You have complete control over the CPU, disk space, RAM, and all other resources. Full root control. There's no need to be concerned about other people's website traffic affecting your website's performance.

Fast Flux VPS Hosting Plan in 2 easy steps

100% uptime for rock-solid performance


Starting At

$99.78 /month

  • 04 FastFlux Domain
  • RPC - 50SEC
  • GEO Location Filtering - No
  • WildCard SSL - Yes
  • Control Panel - Yes
  • Unique NameServers - Yes
  • Unlimited Bandwidth - Yes
  • DMCA Ignored
Get Started Now


Starting At

$178.94 /month

  • 10 FastFlux Domain
  • RPC - 120SEC
  • GEO Location Filtering - No
  • WildCard SSL - Yes
  • Control Panel - Yes
  • Unique NameServers - Yes
  • Unlimited Bandwidth - Yes
  • DMCA Ignored
Get Started Now


Starting At

$244.86 /month

  • Unlimited FastFlux Domain
  • RPC - 200SEC
  • GEO Location Filtering - Yes
  • WildCard SSL - Yes
  • Control Panel - Yes
  • Unique NameServers - Yes
  • Unlimited Bandwidth - Yes
  • DMCA Ignored
Get Started Now

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are looking for Fast-flux VPS outside of your country, our server is a useful option. Major adantage we take any cryptocurrency, Before selecting the appropriate hosting plan for yourself or your business, let us address any doubts or inquiries you may have.

1) What is fast flux hosting?

Fast flux hosting is a technique used by cybercriminals to hide phishing and malware delivery sites behind an ever-changing network of compromised computers (also known as 'bots' or 'zombies'). It provides high-availability of these malicious websites and makes it challenging to trace and block them. The method exploits the DNS (Domain Name System) by constantly associating the domain names with a set of changing IP addresses. This fluxing of IPs helps to conceal the real origin server, while the vast pool of compromised systems is distributed globally. Moreover, in a usual fast flux network, each of these compromised computers, which might be a home PC unknowingly part of a botnet, can act as a proxy to forward the incoming requests to the hidden "mothership" server. Fast flux hosting, although innovative, is an illegal practice leveraging the vulnerabilities of systems. It represents a significant problem for internet security and remains a challenge for cybersecurity experts to mitigate.

2) What is the difference between fast flux DNS and dynamic DNS?

Fast Flux DNS and Dynamic DNS are both methods of rapidly updating a DNS server, however, they tend to be used differently. Fast Flux DNS is commonly associated with cybercrime as it is often utilized by phishing websites and botnets to mask and quickly update the IP addresses of malicious websites, making them harder to track and shut down. Dynamic DNS, on the other hand, is a legitimate service used by users who do not have a static IP address but still want to host services. It allows the user to maintain a consistent domain name while their IP address changes.

3) Can I Send Emails / Spam With Fast Flux Hosting?

Yes 100%

4) What are the types of fast-flux network?

Fast-flux networks, typically used for illicit activities such as phishing or malware distribution, are classified into two distinct types; single and double flux. Single-flux networks refer to a rapid change or swapping of IP addresses assigned to a fully-qualified domain name, intending to hide the IP address of a malicious site and make it harder to trace. Double flux networks, on the other hand, use the same technique, but additionally implement an alternate nameserver architecture. This ensures even the DNS gets regularly shifted, providing an extra layer of protection to the malicious site.

5) How Does Fast Flux Work?

Fast Flux is a Domain Name System (DNS) technique used by cybercriminals to hide phishing and malware delivery sites behind an ever-changing network of compromised hosts acting as proxies. It works by rapidly modifying IP addresses associated with a domain name - the IP address changes frequently, sometimes in a matter of minutes. When a user attempts to visit a malicious site, their request is routed through one of these compromised hosts, obscuring the true location of the site. This constant state of flux makes it challenging for authorities to shut down the malicious site, hence the name 'Fast Flux'. Fast Flux networks are typically composed of bots, forming a part of a botnet.